The following post was written by our very own Victoria Wilson, Creative Consultant and Expert Stylist. this September, The Wright Eyewear Company are raising money for Brain Tumour Research. It is a cause that we are extremely passionate about as brain tumours have affected all of us here in the practice.
Many of you will remember Denise who worked with us for nearly 20 years. Shortly after retiring she contracted bowel cancer but it was the secondary brain tumour that alerted the family that something was very wrong. Denise sadly lost her fight in early 2017.
In 2016 our Owner Kelly Wright’s beautiful cousin, Lucy passed away having fought her brain tumour for 5 years.
In September 2017, Victoria’s mum Sharon sadly lost her fight and grew her wings leaving behind her two beautiful daughters at the age of 22 and 7.
Vicky has become somewhat of an ambassador for the Brain Tumour Research Charity and as this year marks the 5th year, we have decided to channel some positive energy and do what we can to raise awareness.
In loving memory of Sharon
"So as you can imagine, I have re-written this post numerous times not knowing where to start or how best to explain what we went through as a family, but this is why this charity is so close to my heart.
Knowing my mum, she wouldn’t just want to be remembered for her fight against her (Glioblastoma stage 3) brain tumour because this was not who she was. My mum was such a fun, caring, kind and loving women who was always the last one left on the dance floor! I can see her now with her long bleach blonde hair, although she would tell you the blonde was real, with a malibu and coke in one hand singing like the world couldn’t see her.
She really was an incredible woman who touched many hearts. She cared for her 2 girls more than I could ever begin to describe. We were her world and in her 2.5 year long fight against cancer she still always put us first making sure we had lots of lovely memories with her: Disneyland, Beach trips, meals out, theatre trips.
Even with every chemo & radio treatment she came out smiling ready to cuddle her girls. With me being the older one, 20 at the time, I did used to see the more exhausted side but to Lucie, who was only 5 when we got her diagnosis back in June 2016, she always put a brave front on.
She never hid anything from us. We always knew her diagnosis was terminal; we just never knew the actual time limit. She would often explain that even when mummy’s no longer here, she’ll be sitting in the clouds watching over us and how we should listen out for the thunderstorms because that was mum having a party with all her other loved ones in the cloud’s. At the time I used to think don’t be silly we know this is just part of the weather but now she’s no longer here it actually brings me some comfort at the thought of mum dancing in the sky.
I know every Cancer patient has a story and my mums was far from a breeze. With 5 operations, several months spent in hospital and a couple a close near misses, we could have lost her a lot sooner than we did. It still never prepared us for the day, 04-09-2017 when mum finally grew her wings and quite how it would change all of our lives.
So as this year marks 5 years since she became our angel, we’ve decided to raise money for “Brain Tumour Research Charity” so maybe one day we will have a cure!"
- Victoria Wilson

There are numerous ways to get involved.
1. Simple donate via our Just Giving page - .
The team will be taking part in a sponsored 5K walk on the 9th October.
2. Buy raffle tickets for the chance of winning one of our incredible luxury hampers. £5 per strip or 3 strips for £10. Phone us on 020 8309 7951 or pop and see us in the practice.
3. Take part in our 'Name The Bear' competition. Entries are £1. Phone us on 020 8309 7951 or pop and see us in the practice.
4. Book your eye examination. Throughout the month we will be donating £5 from every eye-examination.
Thank you again for your continued support!